Sardines and Pancakes; Getting Better

I've been here in Ohio for 1 month plus, now. Came back with the hope of stopping this damn whirling around on the health/sickness wheel. I'd been having bouts of illness, of various kinds and degrees, for over a year. Couldn't seem to get out from under the curse, so it seemed. The last go-around was with a bug in my belly, and intestines. Doc said it was either a bacteria or an amoeba. I spent four days in the hospital with sugar water and antibiotics going in my veins. The food was horrendous and unhealthy: salt-laden and floating in grease - I guess it was to protect their future as healthcare providers by ensuring my return as a heart patient.

I have Cystic Fibrosis and Chronic Fatigue. Sounds a bit much, doesn't it? Kind of hard to believe? Does the word 'hypochondriac' come to mind? I know. But that ain't me. When I feel good, I'm ready to jump up and get involved, and forget that there was ever anything wrong with me. But then, with all the acute illnesses, I was beginning to wonder if I was every going to experience a healthy day again. Seems my immunity just packed up and left. I caught everything that came around, and then some. And every time I just got my foot in the doorway to good health, another bacteria or virus or allergy or god-knows-what jumped in and kicked my butt again.

In desperation, I left for home - the home of my birth, good old Massillon, Ohio - in the middle of winter. I didn't even mind the freezing temperatures.

Now I'm much better. I don't know if its because of the AHCC, beta glucans, the colloidal silver, the change of atmosphere, or getting away from that little house with all its dirt, bugs and animals infesting the crawl space between the ceiling and the roof. Lizard poop, bird remains (the lizard eats the birds that come to nest), mold, roaches and a host of microscopic thingies that hang out in that kind of joint, are just a few feet above our heads as we eat, sleep and do our daily routines. It would be naive to think that some of that stuff doesn't float down and filter through the seams in the ceiling tiles. (I sometimes see strange things in my soup that weren't intended to be part of the recipe).

But I'm on the mend. Yes sir; yes ma'am. That's the important thing. However, there's a price for my good fortune: I don't get to curl up next to my wife at night and wake up to a hug and kiss before I start the day. I don't get the little-girl kisses on my nose when I'm sleeping or the opportunity to watch her delight as she swims in the ocean, across the street.

It's okay. I feel good! And I'm  going back to my Philippine home and family in July. I'll be ready.

Oh! Sardines and pancakes? Had 'em for breakfast. Bought smoked sardines packed in maple syrup (swear to gods) at the local grocery. Pancakes was the obvious choice for accompaniment, right? The verdict? Just have to try it for yourself. Good luck! Hint: Try it with butter and keep a barf bag handy.

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