Monday, March 5, 2012
I pissed away the last half hour before sunset, sitting on my front porch, looking out to the sea, and listening to a goat and a chicken in a farewell duet to the setting orb. It sucked, according human standards. The goat lowed an irregular, mournful note over and over, while the hen clucked out a regular beat and let out a loud, happy cackle every six or eight notes. The sound of the ocean lapping the shore was the background music. Its tempo lagged that of the chicken, and was unaffected by the chicken's choice of beat. Having pounded out its own rhythm since day one, it wasn't going to follow the lead of impertinent upstarts.
I could have been doing something worthwhile. After all, there is always an unfinished job to tie up (or screw up. Its my choice, after all.) or a new project to start, or even just the kitchen table to wipe off for the umpteenth time today. Life is a never-ending stream of such stuff. Know what I mean? As I sat there on the porch, adding nothing to life, but just taking it all in, a whole list of things I could do never even entered my consciousness. I mean, I thought of nothing. It's awfully hard to feel guilty about not getting things done when those things never even occur to you, in the first place. Thank god.
So, the sun set; the chicken and goat duet gave way to the sound of crickets. The sea changed clothes, from sunset red to moonlight silver. I held Shane in my arms, in the front yard, and we looked at the moon and talked to it.
Nothing much noteworthy has occurred since then, and that's just fine with me.
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