It's Saturday evening, the seventeenth of December. Shane is sitting in my lap and we are watching children's videos: Barney, Sesame Street, the ABC song, Old Macdonald, etc. I'm kind of burned out on it myself. Shane makes no complaint. In fact, she asks for the same ones over and over. I suppose kids are programmed that way, to facilitate learning. It's funny, even though the videos and songs have worn an all-to-familiar groove in my grey matter, I still enjoy Shane's delight over them. And she loves to get me involved. She takes my hands and makes them clap or wraps my arms around her tummy or hugs my arms. She loves to have that sort of contact, many times a day.
We just got back from Millennium Park, which sits next to the sea wall, on the other side of the market. I took her there so she could run and play. I bought a beer at one of the outdoor shops and talked with the owner for while.
Today started on the tail end of a typhoon which hit Mindanao, the big island south of us, pretty hard. A subdivision was wiped out and all it's occupants were killed when a river overflowed its banks. The homes were built on low ground. Over 100 died.
We are very fortunate here. Although we get lots of rain and a fair amount of wind, during a typhoon, we get much less than the brunt of the storm has to offer, as we are protected on the east side by the mountains in the center of the island, and on the west by the island of Negros, which has mountains up to 10,000 feet.
The diminutive waves slam against the seawall: nothing more than a reminder of what could be and what others suffer through.
Ahem. Excuse me. I zoned out for a minute. I was watching India Arie sing the alphabet song with Elmo, on a Sesame Street video. That lady has class and beauty and a great voice and she moves like silk in a soft breeze. Elmo's eyes were bugging out the whole time. It's the way he is made: eyeballs sewn on the outside of his furry head. My eyes returned to their sockets shortly after the video ended. But then Nora Jones sang about the letter "Y" and.... Never mind.
I just brought Shane back from the bathroom and changed her diaper. She had said, "Libang, hon", which means she pooped. She is very good about letting us know. "Elmo's Potty Time", was the video playing when we got back.What timing. I think it's a cute video, but then, my sense of humor sits close to the bottom of the barrel. Here's the link, in case it's something that interests you.
No that doesn't really interest me, but I bet I can find 4 or 5 kids around here that might like it. Nice little story you have here. For some reason, after reading the last post, I didn't realize that Shane was that young. Yeah kids are cute at that age, it's too bad they have to outgrow it. That doesn't mean they will be bad when they get older, just not as cute. Fortunately there always seems to be no short supply of babies being born.